Okay tgh tunggu bus dgn tak d phone kat tangan ttbe terpikir….
Best nye kalau ada phone, boleh main game, boleh dgr lagu, boleh baca buku
online. Haaaa hakikatnya baca buku online tu tak buat pown. What is life
without phone? Kan? U think? May be not all tapi dgn adanya technology yang ada
semua you have to admit it is membuatkan kita anti social. No doubts banyak
benefits kita dapat dgn adanya phone. Contoh, semua benda senang sbb dgn satu
device macam2 ada. (^^,) tak ke senang tu? Phone tu lah alarm clock kita or our
normal daily clock. Like me jarang nak lekat jam kat tangan sbb jam fungsi satu
so sometimes dlm otak nie terlupa. And tu lah jadinya gejala tertinggal sana
sini. Tapi kalau phone…giler nak tinggal, its like 10 in 1 kowt. Tertinggal phone
macam tinggal 10 barang. Untuk yang perempuan plak, tak kiralah free hair or
berhijab, korunk mesti ada sometimes guna phone as a MIRROR. Ahahaha…jgn nak
deny lah…sometimes saje beli screen cover yg mirror effect. Senang kan. Again bcoz
it has multi purpose mesti jaga baik nye tak kasi pecah. Ehehehee (^^,) you
done that too… pastu, time tak d phone nie lah tgk org kalau tak, mana pernah
kesah. Best jugak tau tgk org depan2 dr tgk dlm phone. Ye lah tgk org dlm phone
semua dah tak original sometimes plus yg besar boleyh jadi kecik. Compare tgk
org depan2, the ORIGINAL ahahahhaa… bukan nak kata buruk, tapi it comes to you as inspiration how they look like, how
the dress up, how confident they are in their own body, how the style even they
don’t look like a model. Intresting kan? Pastu I start to realize how people
fully depanding on a PHONE. Yes again, that one device that attached you to
them. U saw, people no longer interacting, no longer simply smile or say hi to
each other. Why because they were too busy looking, smiling and say hi to
phone. Kalau tak d kawan nak say hi, ada SIRI to entertain them. Kesian pown
ada sometimes what we’ve become.
Another thing yg terpikir, wouldn’t it be nice if someone
see us face to face and adores and say something positive to us compare just
telling or like our pictures. Like? Really? What is that? Its like poke? How
pemalas is it just to say a word or two to your friends? Seriously oh my iphone…
what have u make me. Haaa duduk2 boleyh plak buka laptop semata fefeeling nak
mengarang kat blog yg lama dah berhabuk neyh. Baru lah seriously tersedar. Omg,
our life is basically in one device that make u loose urself just to have it. Like
today, slalu ada apps untuk check masa bus and all tapi tak de plak nak tanya
org yg berdiri sebelah beside that’s a networking ok! Involve in the volunteer
also makes me realize tak d plak sibuk nak tgk phone sbb u have to approached
people and talk to people explain. Sometimes we help them simple je but you
know how greatful they are just by us interacting with them. Its like they lost
and suddenly u approached and tell them where to go. Isnt it amazing feeling.
Its basically a win-win situation. Kalau tak caya g lah buat and tegur org! and
see how you feel just able to help someone and received a smile!