Macam dah lama je tak blog, i guess sebab mood menaip dtg mcm kejap2. banyak je yg in progress tapi tak habis blogging. so akhirnya tergendala. This time nye blog mainly memang nak bebel kosong je. or should i say more like let it all out of my jiwa dan perasaan. Honestly, Im feeling so lost at the moment. It has been what 4-5 months now. I hate it myself. I mean i dont even know whats holding me back. When i share with my friends and family, all of them try to help me. Especially with getting a job. Yes A JOB! Teartika u no longer ur 20s. sape je nak amik kije if u urself dont know what you want to work as. Not being picky but sometimes i have my reasons. Nak kije mcm dulu dah tak boleh. kije yg tak payah serabut otak just penat badan. now dah kena slip disc kije2 macam tu kena lah eliminate. So back to others options like office job. Hurm... bila nak apply plak. its like something is holding me back. Haaa mula lah pikir what if i apply and then i cant even do the job properly? what would people see me as? dah le tak banyak experience. Or they might be menyesal take me in for the job. or macam i didnt meet their expectations. I dont even know why im so afraid of things that might not even happened pown sbb from my past experience of working anywhere, tak d plak boss tak ske or anything. This feeling down is pulling me down too. Im so not confidence with myself.
Have u ever feel that u know what u want to do or at least have to do but u aint doing it? so thats what happen to me now. Nie tulis blog pown entah akan post ke tak? kalau berjaya lah habiskan tulis. I have so many things i want to do but somehow im afraid of failing. May be sebab ive been through some bad moments in my life. not to brag but my life aint the happiest but alhamdulillah i get through it everytime. Now just another hiccup that i have to face. betul lah cakap org to get out of depression is really hard. im not saying im depressed but entah may b a little. Well i do bersyukur with what i have but at times macam pikir why am i like this? its like the spirit just been sucked out of you. and all u left is nothing, feeling down and unworthyness. i am a mess where no one will want me or even acknowledge me.
What makes me like this? Well i lost someone so dear to me. for 5 years his there with me and one day suddenly hilang. i dont even know where he is and all. people say things to me even they know its easy said than done. I know he might be nobody in ur eyes. but his there with me when no one is. His there with me to make me laugh when i dont want to laugh. he let me be mad at him when my mood swing and feels like nak marahh someone, he sooth my hearts when i cry or serabut, he wakes up when i had a bad dream and let me sleep like a baby even he needs me. he never talk bad abt my friends and family and always encourage me to be more polite and treat them better. he advice me when i dont know what to do and encourage me to be a better person, a better daughter, a better muslimah.
I know all this facts but deep down to accept things is harder then you think. Honestly im hoping to meet with people that can motivate me, not pushing me but encourage me slowly. macam doesnt make me feel like i cant be like this lama2 n all. i have to this n that. cam ne ek nak cakap. rather then asking me to do this n that, motivates me so i feel like i have to do this n that. get what i mean? thats why slowly i start do things i dont normally do. i believe in doing things that i like rather do things i dont coz i know what it will do to me. i may be successful in doing things i dont like but the value of it doesnt add up to me and i hardly can acknowledge that im successful of doing it. Paham tak? ahahahahaa.... ha pandai2 lah renung2 kan. so for now this is my updates. nnt kalau rajin i ols update plak pasal trip Swak yg sgt happening!!!
Till my next post. Pls dont judge. If u dont like what im sharing, pfft i dont care much. it could be my way of getting the help that i need or never know kan org baca ttbe org offer kije yg i might be interested or may be someone that can give me the missing piece im looking for to be ok again. you'll never know.
tQ for ur time reading my blogs yg dah bersawang nie. Will try and update more.
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