DAY 16
Okay Hello and good morning from Amsterdam. Today is our first day nak explore Amsterdam. Amsterdam nie famous macam2. No doubt they have such a beautiful view. Especially kat bridge kecik2. Actually tak tahu pown apa2 pasal tempat nie except cite The Fault in Our Stars tu was shoot here. Ske kowt cite tu! Ahhahaa…
Our AirBnb nie ada sedia Breakfast. Basically makan roti and jam je lah. Untuk alas perut. We keluar agak lambat dlm 10 ish rasanya. So as usual, buka map and start walking. Very interesting to see pagi2 punyalah banyak orang naik basikal. So kat sini dorunk punya culture, naik basikal pergi mana2. Macam2 jenis basikal okay. Along the way while you walk down the street or they call it straat, banyak je kedai untuk sewa basikal. Hurm mulalah keinginan nak naik basikal. But for today we just enjoy the Hop on and Hop off bus and canal ride. Tak tahu nak benti mana.
Mula2 ingat masuk Anne Frank Musuem. Apa je ada kat anne frank museum nie? Haaa nak tahu kenalah explore and keep reading. Unfortunately not today. Masyaallah, punyalah panjang que nak masuk. Sangat famous rupanya museum nie. Haaa nie pown salah satu museum dalam movie tu ahahaha… so kenalah masuk. Plus it is one of the main attraction here. So ya skip it for today. May be try lagi esok ke. Datang awal sikit lah.
So kitaorg pown teruskan jalan nak cari stop 11 of the hop on hop off, nie paling dekat from our place. Punya lah susah nak jumpa sebab usually kan ada tiang ke special utk hop on hop off nie tak. So ke kiri ke kanan tak nampak apa pown bus stop. Dekat dorunk punya stop rupanya they have the Tour and Tickets shop or all the attraction. Package gitew. Kalau nak masuk most of it they even provide tour guide. But since we don’t really masuk semua tak yah lah kowt. Bila nak naik baru Aishah teringat dia lupa nak bawa yg kitaorg print.
Okay first impression me tak ske tukang jaga ticket dalam bus tu. Dia usually ada 2 orang kerja dlm bus, satu driver another tukang jaga ticket and also the explaination of where we are. Tapi kitaorg dapat jugak naik and g kat their central office baru lah baik je dia tolong print kan booking tickets. Siap yg berlin and rome nye pown dia tolong ahahahaa… sebab attached skali dgn yg Amsterdam punya.
Since nothing nak beli so we patah balik and g makan kebab yg dekat entrance td. Ehehhe.. masa mula nampak the kedai.. tgk menu. Alaaa kebab mcm tak feel plak. Bila dah patah balik baru nampak it is actually one of the best kebab in Amsterdam. They even get a review from TIME OUT MAGAZINE. Hurm mesti sedap giler nie. Slalu RESTAURANT or CAFÉ je yg dapat review dalam TIME OUT. So we decide to order their famous DERUM LAMB. DERUM is kebab or a wrap.
Nampak sedap. Ahahhaa.. may be tgh lapar pown ye. Almaklumlah sejuk kan? Ahahhaa… so bila dah dapat we seat at the side and bite and bite and bite. Like the first bite.. SEDAP!! Second bite pown WEIII SEDAP!! Third bite… nie memang SEDAP GILER. Ahahaha.. amik every bite was a satisfactory tahap max, theres something different about the taste. Sedap dia ya allah. Nikmat makan sungguh. I mean, no wonder they get features in TIME OUT MAGAZINE! Totally sedap!
Lepas makan, we walk back and snap more pictures at the beautiful tree and view. Ehehee.. rasa kenyang giler. Naik balik kat stop no 3 at the windmill to go our next stop. Which tak tahu. Ahahhaa.. so naik duduk dalam bus hop on hop off nie just menikmati the view. I mean survey dulu mana nak turun. Esok ada lagi. Tgk2 dah petang, so we decide nak go one round jugak dengan CANAL. So if perlu boleh ah stop esok pakai canal jugak.
Hurm mula2 ingat ada makanan ke minuman panas. Rupanya ada meja je.ahahaa.. dah duduk mengadap plak. Romantic giler ahahaha…. The Hop on hop off canal ada WIFI. So apa lagi connected kan lah dgn phone. Ahahhaa.. best lah mula2 tapi the canal so slow. Macam lama je nak sampai. One stop to another tu lama jugak lah. But its nice for elderly people to take this and just relax. Its like u cruising slowly on the canal. By the time kitaorg sampai kat stop 7 or 6 which anne frank house dah gelap.
People are still que-ing to enter. Imagine dari pagi sampai malam que panjang je all d time. So we try lah our luck esok. Ahahaa.. bangun awal ke..hopefully.
So nothing much yg kitaorang explore for our first day. Ahahaha.. tak tahu macam laid back plak kitaorg kat sini. Ahahhaaa..
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